Acting Philosophy – Part 2

Continuing Education Let’s finish a few thoughts… Dating! You sometimes cannot put in a book certain things that are just part of being human. Line up all the contestants from The Bachelorette or The Bachelor, and though you might find several people physically attractive; if you were to go out with them a couple of times, very […]

Acting Philosophy – Part 1

Knowledge is King! Indeed. The most important thing in any actor’s pursuit of work is… EDUCATION! This blog, at first, might not have something relevant for your current (read: TODAY) acting pursuit. Never fear. I have a surplus of digital content that will be added here over the next several months. Fingers crossed, there will […]

Welcome to Actor Business – The Business of Show Business

The “Business” of Show Business   Let me get to it. I started my professional acting career in 1988. There are aspects of my actor life that pre-date that, but that year is when I moved to Los Angeles to continue my actor pursuit — for money.  You read that right. For money.  Make no […]