Willy Loman says: “Be a likeable client!”

Since the beginning of Hollywood, and probably in a million offices around the world, the question has always existed: “What is the value…of being likeable?” Well, in a subjective profession like acting, I assure you, it matters a great deal so listen up!

Silence: Seriously not a form of communication!

Ok…wait, silence is a form of communication. I mean sure, we all realize that sometimes it isn’t what you DO in life…what you DON’T do…speaks volumes. Yeah, so I get that, but my point about silence is that it really is NOT a form of communication and never will be. What silence does, between ALL […]

A Breakdown Manager…isn’t a Manager!

Did the title get’cha? Did it make you mad? Did it make you think, shit wait, is that “my manager?” My thought is I kinda hope so, probably and yes…it is more than likely. 🙂 No, I’m not making fun of or laughing at Managers in ANY way. And no, I’m not poking fun at […]

Rep – Merry-Go-Round

So have you had an agent, or manager, or both…or like me a separate agents for Comm., Theatrical etc. It starts to feel, at a certain point if things aren’t going well, like you’re dating 3 people and none of them are particularly satisfying. This leaves us frustrated, to the point