Just below Cloud 9!

From the first time I ever attended an acting class, stepped on stage either as an actor/comic/improv artist, read a script or got hired…I would float…just a bit. Over time, and often even before any of this we actors/performers/artists …DREAM. Dreaming to inspire yourself, dreaming to set the bar high, dreaming to give yourself a […]

Time to change your oil?

Are you busy? Is your planner full? Your class schedule, your job, your life to-do list, your personal life, your social life, all the social media outlets you’re trying to juggle…and just breathing. You busy? I bet you are, I bet you feel commonly tired, that you might be going around in circles, that you […]

You are “On-Demand”

Breaking news…the world’s gone digital and it includes you! To in part quote Francis Ford Coppola, “…digital technology will allow 200 million people to tell their story…but unfortunately we’ll have 200 million bad stories.” Now, that is not a direct quote, but it is the basic point of that quote by Mr. Coppola over a […]

Consistent Repetition = Success!

Do it again! Do it again. Again, again and again. Allow me to remind you that Coca-Cola is the most successful soft drink in the world, and they don’t change their logo every 2 years, 5 years or 10 years and what they do is still advertise. They advertise everywhere, all the time, so as […]

Accountability Phopia: Value of Power Groups!

Yes, phobia, that weird thing that we have in our language that is listed as such: pho·bi·a (pho·bi·as), strong fear or dislike; an irrational or very powerful fear and dislike of something such as spiders or confined spaces (a phobia about traveling in elevators). Since the day I FOUNDED what became, The Actors’ Network, it […]

Amazon Orders Comedy Pilots!

Recently, as there seems to be almost every week, another conglomerate gets into the game of monetizing or investing in the ability and future reality of content creation. So now Amazon, not so long ago, dumped a bunch of money into the commitment of 6 Comedy Pilot orders. And while this is GREAT news in […]

“Dude, where’s the bar?”

Happy Sunday to you all… So here is a little quote from someone who, well, might have known a thing or two…about a thing or two: “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Einstein

Einstein: Techno-idiots continued!

Here it is again, but with a different point with regards to the famous Einstein quote: “I Fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Just how smart was this guy…well, very. While yes, his quote was far more philosophical then I intend it for […]

Vote, cuz it matters!

Yes, it is VOTING that I’m discussing and that would be that ballot you have sitting on your coffee table RIGHT NOW. Now, if you’ve already voted, yay for you…and I personally appreciate it. And sure, if you’re not yet an eligible voting member of the union…PLEASE read on…because this still applies to you.

Love v. Love: Follow your heart!

At some point in your life, based on how young or old you may be, you’ve either said this yourself or heard it from someone…and if you haven’t…now you have. “I love what I’m doing, but not doing what I love.” Not only is that I believe the KEY to life, it also is valid […]