30-Day Window! (Representation)
So it is officially mid-June…where is your Representation? Since my first year in Los Angeles all I have been doing since that day, I think sometimes, is altering things that people told me where absolutely true…because I’ve learned…they just aren’t. One of those many Hollywood myths is that there are only two times per year […]
Kevin E. West speaks to non-members!!
Come one come all actors and parents of actors! For the first time, since 1991, Kevin E. West (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0922184/), veteran television actor and the Founder/President of The Actors’ Network, will give (2) actor business presentations available to NON-members!! This opportunity has never existed prior to now. Since 1991 Kevin E. West and The Actors’ Network […]
Viral Agency: “Is this the future?”
It has officially begun, even if well, it isn’t so official…or professional rather. Recently I received an email from, a Hollywood talent agency accepting new talent for those, “Seeking Representation.” The agency is called H-V-N Talent So here is a little story by an actor regarding this new “LEGIT – Licensed” agency. In the words […]
Hindsight isn’t 20/20: Rep Relations!
Well I just finished covering this subject at The Actors’ Network, but wanted to blog about it in a slightly different fashion. We use phrases like “Monday morning quarterback” and “Hindsight is 20/20” to remind ourselves that when it is over or past…it is easy to know
Biggest Mistakes In Voice Over: Part 4
Focusing Only On The Hustle (aka Ignoring the Craft) Spark up the interwebs, and you’ll see some pretty active voice over talent online. They are blogging, tweeting, giving advice, connecting with one another, starting groups on facebook, and posting ad nauseum to online message boards. Most of these folks have some very sound advice to […]
Biggest Mistakes in VO Part 7: The POA Factor
Some actors get further along in their careers and develop a Pain In The Ass factor. Some actors bring their POA factor to this business from the get-go and have to be humbled before learning how their behavior might prevent folks from wanting to work with them. I hope you have a POA factor of […]
“Dude, where’s the bar?”
Happy Sunday to you all… So here is a little quote from someone who, well, might have known a thing or two…about a thing or two: “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Einstein
Einstein: Techno-idiots continued!
Here it is again, but with a different point with regards to the famous Einstein quote: “I Fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.” Just how smart was this guy…well, very. While yes, his quote was far more philosophical then I intend it for […]
Build a Strong Professional Network!
5 Things Every Actor Must Do (Presented by Miata Edoga) Written by Kevin E. West (www.actors-network.com) If your goal is to build a strong professional network you have to ask why? Why do you need a strong professional network? The simple answer is necessity. In any profession to enjoy a successful career a strong network […]
Willy Loman says: “Be a likeable client!”
Since the beginning of Hollywood, and probably in a million offices around the world, the question has always existed: “What is the value…of being likeable?” Well, in a subjective profession like acting, I assure you, it matters a great deal so listen up!